All businesses focus on metrics for success. But measuring organizational culture is often considered a “nice-to-have” rather than an essential metric. Need to cut the budget? The culture survey is often the first to go, because culture isn’t considered to be one of the KPIs of the business and its leaders. There are other obstacles for the culture survey. In …
Want to make a difference? Try owning your job.
Many years ago I read a wonderful book (title and author long forgotten) from a female business executive, filled with advice to be shared with her own daughter as she entered the workforce. One of her pieces of advice that rocked my world as a graduate in my first job was this: “As much as possible, treat your job …
Our Manifesto
We love business. We love the meetings, the catchups, the workshops, the negotiations, the telephone tag, the visions and missions: how we’re inspired to achieve more together than we could alone. We love the jargon, the camaraderie, the laughter of teams, the shared goals, the high fives when we get it right, and the sober determination to do better when …
Will you share your commitment(s) coming out of the Conscious Capitalism Summit?
“Nothing is more beautiful or powerful than an individual acting out of his conscience, thus helping to bring the collective conscience to life.” Norman Cousins At the Summit, we asked each of you to make three commitments: Actions you would take when you returned to work, to grow the ideas of Conscious Capitalism within your “circle of influence.” These actions …
Bringing Conscious Capitalism To Your Business: Start Where You Are
Four years ago I had a life-changing experience. If you happen to know me, you won’t be surprised to learn that it was inspired by a book! The book was Firms of Endearment (Sisodia, Wolfe, Sheth, Wharton School Publishing, 2007) and as I highlighted and made notes in the margins, I felt a surge of excitement, as if someone had …