Women on the Move
a coaching and networking group for women
Women on the Move is a proven and effective group coaching program designed for women who would like to leverage their opportunities and growth within their organization.
✔️ Participants will learn how to identify and build on their strengths and values, carving out their unique niche in the workplace.
✔️ They will develop this further by learning a framework for communicating confidently and assertively with particular emphasis on challenging conversations.
✔️ The program will introduce methods for connecting with others who can help participants grow professionally.
✔️ Finally, they will learn and apply a framework for developing a robust plan for clarifying and achieving their goals.
- Women in mid-level leadership roles
Group Size
- 10-12 participants per cohort
“The program was amazing, energizing, thought provoking, inspiring, and supportive.”
~ Lila, Project Leader
• Group coaching from a highly experienced senior-executive coach.
• Connecting and providing mutual support with other women in the organization.
• Easily managed time commitment (lunchtime sessions).
• Increased likelihood of follow-through, as each session builds on the previous one.
• Interesting and relevant actions between sessions that will often create immediate positive results.
• Coach is available for additional personalized help and support between sessions.
See a list of testimonials from past program participants here.
About the Coach
Amy Powell has been a top-tier Executive Coach for more than 20 years, working with executives at large
US and International companies. She works one-on-one with senior leaders, helping them to transition to CEO
and C-Suite roles. She designed Women on the Move to draw from some of her clients’ most important coaching
lessons, making them accessible to groups of women leaders who aspire to senior roles. Amy’s view - based
on years of coaching experience - is that real success comes when you:
Think about your personal values and the values of your organization, and “stand for something” you believe in as a leader.
Demonstrate courage and authenticity in the way you communicate.
Focus on achievement and making a difference.
Create strong relationships with your stakeholders and colleagues.
Show leadership in creative and impactful ways.
Amy will share these concepts with participants in a group coaching environment, and provide the opportunity to apply them in practical ways that utilizes the workplace as a learning lab. For a list of Amy’s qualifications and certifications and testimonials, please go to her About Page.

For more information, please contact:
Amy Powell
Founder and CEO
Session 1: Your Authentic Personal Brand
This session focuses on understanding strengths, and using them to identify a personal brand, defined here as “What I want to stand for at work.” Participants craft their brand into a powerful but simple tagline and explore the concept of storytelling, learning how stories can help others
understand strengths and reinforce a personal brand.
Session 2: Having Courageous Conversations
Whether it’s a management decision being questioned, a consistently late staff member, a disrespectful colleague, or a challenging customer, the need for acts of courage are abundant in most workplaces. These situations require courageous conversations. This session introduces a framework to have the conversation in a way that is clean, honest and effective.
Session 3: Networking, Mentoring, and Sponsorship
Most women in the corporate world believe networking is important, but indicate that they dislike engaging in it and avoid it where possible. This session helps participants reframe networking and create an approach to doing it that is less daunting, and fits with their personal style. They will learn how to find the right mentor, and even more importantly, understand the concept of sponsorship; which is critical to moving to more senior-level roles.
Session 4: Planning and Achieving Stretch Goals
The final session of the program is about translating vision into action: Setting a goal, planning how to achieve it, learning what must be learned along the way, dealing with setbacks and following through. Participants use a model for goal planning (RIPE) and work their way through the plan, using the goals they brought to the session.
For more information, please contact:
Amy Powell
Founder and CEO